  • info@biruwaadvisors.com.np
  • Thapagaun-10 Naya Baneshwor
  • Monday-Friday, 9:30 AM -5:30 PM

Business Plan

At Biruwa Advisors, we craft detailed business plans tailored to your organization’s specific needs. Our approach is holistic, considering every aspect of your business, from core services/products to overall strategies and market dynamics. Through comprehensive analysis and consultation, we map out a precise path tailored to meet your specific needs.

Why is Business Plan necessary?

Often, businesses prepare a business plan to secure loans or attract investors. However, a business plan is far more than just a ticket to access capital. An effective business plan ensures that the company's strategy and processes are aligned with its objectives and long-term goals. It serves as a guiding document that should be regularly reviewed to ensure the business remains on track to achieve its targets.

Why Biruwa Advisors?

With over 20 years of collective experience from our in-house experts in the entrepreneurial ecosystem and the private sector, Biruwa Advisors is experienced at crafting detailed business plans tailored to your specific needs.We conduct market research, operational assessment and financial forecasting to evaluate profitability, and prepare essential financial documents. Our expertise spans multiple industries, including hospitality, agriculture, IT, WASH etc, enabling us to draft business plans that cater to diverse sectors. Additionally, we assist in creating compelling pitch documents to ensure you are well-prepared to approach investors.

What does Business Plan cover?

  • Business model generation
  • Target markets and Competitors analysis
  • Operation Analysis
  • Financial Feasibility Analysis
  • Investment Proposal
  • Pitch Document