  • info@biruwaadvisors.com.np
  • Thapagaun-10 Naya Baneshwor
  • Monday-Friday, 9:30 AM -5:30 PM

Market Research

In today’s fast-paced business world, making informed decisions is crucial for the survival and success of any business. Biruwa Advisors understands the importance of market research as the bedrock of smart decision-making. Whether you’re a new venture looking to enter the market or an established player aiming to stay ahead of the competition, our team at Biruwa is here to assist you.  

Why is market research necessary?

Without proper understanding of the market, entrepreneurs and managers are shooting arrows in the dark with their critical business decisions. To improve your product or service you need to understand the problem that your customer is facing and what your competitor is doing to cater to those problems. To continuously stay ahead your competition, you need to understand how your market is evolving. Without proper market research and the right marketing strategy, entrepreneurs and managers will lack the information to make these critical business decisions.

Why Biruwa Advisors?

At Biruwa, market research isn't just a service; it's our core expertise We assist entrepreneurs and businesses to scan the business environment by designing, collecting and interpreting market data in order to assess opportunities and challenges existing in the market. This analysis will help businesses to identify ways to improve brand image, increase market share, test business feasibility, all contributing to building a strong marketing strategy.We specialize in providing market research services with global experience and local focus to client from both inside and outside Nepal.

What does Market Research cover?

  • Market Entry Assessment
  • Target Market Research
  • Competitive Landscape Assesment
  • Market Segmentation and Consumer Profiling
  • Value chain assessment
  • Feasibility Analysis
  • Value Proposition Development
  • Branding Strategy Development 
  • Strategic roadmap
  • Growth strategy

Consulting Assignments Carried Out By Biruwa Advisors To Support Market Research In Nepal


The Asia Foundation - Market and Financial Feasibility of CIVIC Hub in Janakpur and Butwal

Biruwa Advisors supported The Asia Foundation under Civil Society Media (CSM) project. This project aimed to establish Civic Hubs in Butwal (Lumbini Province) and Janakpur (Madhesh Province) to support sustainable civic movements in the capital cities of two provinces that push civil society policy agendas.Leveraging its expertise, Biruwa Advisor conducted market and financial feasibility analysis of establishing the Civic Hubs to assess the practicality and viability of launching the Civic Hubs while identifying the most optimal strategies to ensure the project's long-term sustainability.This involved a comprehensive analysis of the civic movement ecosystem, space needs, and service facilities in Lumbini Province and Madhesh Province. Furthermore, potential Civic Hub operators were identified, and a robust business and operational model was formulated, accompanied by operational plans and financial projections.


Save the Children -Rapid Market Assessment to identify viable income-generating activities, vocational skills, and small enterprises

Biruwa Advisors carried out the rapid market assessment for Save the Children International Nepal. The assessment aimed to identifying viable income-generating activities, vocational skills, and small enterprises for marginalized communities such as Musahar, Chamar, Dom, Khatwe, Dhobi, etc. This comprehensive assessment included evaluating current markets at local, regional, and national levels to pinpoint high-potential growth sectors and employment trends. Additionally, Biruwa Advisors assessed existing and potential marketable opportunities tailored to the specific needs of the local, district, and regional markets. Furthermore, the assessment focused on identifying the constraints faced by vulnerable community members, particularly poor, landless, and marginalized families, within the market context.


Feasibility Study of Agricultural Project in Sankhuwasabha

Biruwa Advisors conducted a comprehensive feasibility analysis project for a private client interested in launching an agricultural project in the Tumlingtar and Sekha region of Sankhuwasbha. The primary objective of analysis was to identify potential crops suitable for this region, evaluate their market demand and viability, and design a robust business model. Additionally, as land elevation directly influences the growth and distribution of agricultural products, the project aimed to spread farming (or production) across three different elevation levels.Biruwa Advisors undertook technical, operational, financial, and market analyses to assess the feasibility of the proposed agro-project. The outcome was a detailed Feasibility Study report, offering insights into crop viability, market potential, and operational strategies tailored to the specific location and elevation levels.